Maximize your Greenhouse Income

Tunnels and greenhouses hold the key to thriving farming, offering up to 5x higher yields. They are essential for making a profit even on a small farm. In this ebook, you learn how to optimize your high tunnel’s productivity.

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Want to run a profitable farm? Maximize every square foot of your tunnel!

The operation of a high tunnel or a greenhouse can be intimidating. You want to get the most out of your structure to make sure it’s worth the investment - but you don’t know how? Don’t fret, there are a few simple tips you can adapt to use this limited space to its full potential.

Whether you're new to greenhouse farming or experienced, this ebook provides actionable tips on how to:

→ boost profits by planting more densely
→ increase yields by 30% by maximizing the use of available light
→ enhance disease resistance through grafting
→ capitalize on downtime for lucrative plant sales
→ and much more

Antoine Ratheau
Market gardener since 2018
Inverness Gardens

Trusted by more than 300 growers

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Orisha app

Market Gardeners can free their mind and take their Saturday off

Orisha helps market gardeners improve their yields and get rid of plant diseases for good. We understand that technology can be intimidating, which is why we provide you with our expertise and human support to help you achieve climate control in your tunnel effortlessly.

Rest easy knowing your plants are thriving while you take well-deserved time off.

Here's What Farmers Have to Say

JM Fortier FQT Farm
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Both at the Ferme des Quatre-Temps and at the Jardins de la Grelinette, we have equipped our greenhouses with Orisha systems. For us, it's an investment to use their services!

JM Fortier  FQT Farm

michael kilpatrick The farm on Central
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The fact that I can close the roll-ups from my phone when I know rain is coming is pretty much amazing.

Michael Kilpatrick  The Farm on Central

Ben Hartman - Clay Bottom Farm
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Orisha has designed a beautiful software programmed to take a lot of work out of my head. It will make sure that the environment stays optimal for plant growth.

Ben Hartman  Clay Bottom Farm

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